I know over the last year I’ve been remiss in posting regularly. Going to try to change that and I have a number of topics
Year: 2021
This Adulting Stuff
I swear, being a fully functioning, ethical, compassionate, empathetic adult is simply learning how to manage expectations. When we are young(er), our brains are unformed.
My New Friend for Sleep
I’ve considered for a while writing a full post on sleep hygiene and I think that’s coming but real quick, I want to introduce you
Quick and Easy Tofu Ramen
It’s always nice when a meal that appears complicated comes together in under 30 minutes (with the exception of the time it takes the Anova
Back up!
Oh goodness! So the website has been down for about 6 weeks but yay for tech support! I’ve been making notes of topics, so I’ve
Goals 2021
It’s hard to know what this year will bring, given we are still in the midst of a global pandemic and members of the US