Sick Girl

I’ve been feeling pretty low energy for several weeks and kept thinking I was fighting something off but no actual cold symptoms came on, just some pain and exhaustion. Then we went to Denver and it was so much fun! 

Yeah, a gorgeous winter wonderland and we were stuck a couple extra days because Nashville got an ice storm. Yes, that’s Racer K out on the snow with the pups. I stayed in where it was warm because the altitude sickness really had me feeling bad this trip. 

Finally we got home and I tried to get my sinuses rehydrated by running our humidifiers full tilt. It wasn’t enough though. Here I am, a week later, and I’m sicker than I’ve been in over a year. Last January was rough, definitely worse than this for longevity, but this is certainly intense.

I’ve got some virus- sinus infection combo that’s making me feel horrible. Yes, I am using some sudafed, Advil, and nasal steroids, but I’m also using loads of natural remedies. My elderberry cough syrup is a regular intake and tonight I made sure to use my neti pot, which my husband treats as akin to water boarding. Tonight it sure felt that way and then I sprayed the nasal steroids and my sinuses were aflame in pain. I really don’t like this particular kind but it’s what I’m prescribed. 

Thankfully tonight I also remembered a cold ease oil I made last year. This stuff was such a balm after a day of blowing my nose, strong sneezing, and coughing to the point that my chest physically ached from the exertion.

It’s pretty simple to make as you can see from the ingredients. Just a small bottle filled mainly with carrier oil (I used sweet almond and jojoba for easy absorption) and a blend of cooling, refreshing oils to open the sinuses and bring down those fevered flushed feelings. After a very hot bath, it was just the remedy. 

I also have Breathe Easy oil diffusing in our humidifier’s medicine cup. We have the Vicks humidifiers that have a place to put oil, though they expect you’d use Vicks vaposteam in it. It diffuses oil perfectly though. 

I’m looking forward to a full night’s sleep tonight. The first night I had all those body aches that come with a cold but last night, and hopefully tonight, I will sleep deep to help me heal. Racer K is so far not sick but he’s definitely not feeling 100% either so hopefully a weekend of rest and taking care of ourselves will lead to great health next week.

In the meantime, we have to secure an apartment in the next few days… Can’t wait to finally know where exactly we will live for the next year!

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