My run streak has been going strong for a whole 8 days now and that’s both an accomplishment and just the start. My plan is to go for a full 37 days before allowing myself a rest day here and there. Falling in the snow a few days ago has certainly made things interesting, since I’m now mildly injured. However, I’ve been going on despite the minor pains.
I started on New Year’s day with a 5K.
I’ve been taking a photo each day post-run to keep myself motivated and accountable. Today I ran 7 glorious miles in 52 degree weather (so warm for a January) and still feel pretty good. That led me to start looking at marathon training plans.
Why not, right?
I haven’t run a marathon since February 2011. It was a pretty painful experience and other than trying to run an Ultra in February 2012 (February is a good month to run long races in the South- temps are cooler and generally, the rain isn’t too bad), I haven’t tackled a race bigger than a half marathon since then. 2 weeks before my Ultra, I was in a car accident that sort of derailed my life for a solid couple of years.
The New Orleans Marathon
I made it to the halfway point of my 50K and I figured 16 miles wasn’t bad considering the considerable pain I was in. However, it was my last big attempt for races. From there, there was lots of time off, spontaneous runs that never really led to a routine, a half marathon PR of 2:03, and since my sister died, not much of anything except going out and running a few half marathons without a single training run in advance. So my half marathon time has gone from around 2 hours to closer to 3. I will say in my defense, my last half was a trail half marathon and exceptionally hilly. Well, yeah, it was here in the foothills but goodness, was it breathtaking!
So, why is now different? I don’t know exactly. Something has clicked though and I’m back at it hard. My thought is, if not now, when? Plus, if I’m feeling so good about it, might as well stick with it.
In the interim years since I had a solid routine, I had forgotten how running is CHURCH. At least for a Buddhist like me. It feels sacred. It feels like where I belong. It is also laced with so many memories of those I ran with in the past but now, instead of haunting me like ghosts, they accompany me as motivation to do more and be more than I have been.
I’m ready for the challenge. I’m ready to do great things in 2017. If nothing else and the world goes to hell over the next couple years, being in good shape may come in handy.