New Year, Same Awesome Me!

So, I’m not huge into the idea of resolutions but I am big into GOALS. Goals are solid plans for yourself, quantified, and yes, they can unfold over the full calendar year or have a shorter, or even longer, time frame for completion.

First, lets take a look at 2016. Yes, it had lots of terrible things in it but I’m not going to focus on them. 2016 was the year I bought my home. I love my house and look forward to a few decades in it. 2016 brought me back to New Orleans for a full week. I walked over 50 miles in my favorite city.


I had the joy of spending my birthday with my family in Florida, and reconnected with old friends. Then, later in the year I had friends come to visit me here in my home. Also, I hosted Thanksgiving for a few of my friends in my home. All in all, 2016 was full of a lot of love and change… though much of that change led to finally being able to breathe a sigh of relief in setting down roots after several years of upheaval.

I finally got a puppy!



She’s a great dog, a mix of border collie and German shepherd, and she has one eye. She’s responsive to commands but she’s still a baby and learning. Currently, when she realizes she in trouble, she immediately submits and rolls around showing her belly. It’s cute and frustrating because she never stops moving but I’m learning that seems to be life with a dog. It took me about 2 months to get over initial puppy regret because she was so loud and needy. I really can’t handle neediness- it drives me insane- but she has grown up some and I’ve learned to simply leave the room when she gets to be too much for me. Overall, she’s super lovable and I’m looking forward to many years with her.

So, onto 2017!

I’ve signed up for Goodreads Reading Challenge and set the goal for 30 books, which I discussed in my last post. I’ve also set a goal for myself to complete a run streak of 37 days. I began on January 1, will end on February 6, and so far I’m going strong, including running and falling today in 6″ of snow in 0 degrees. So, let me tell you how to run in 0 degrees with the snow coming down:

  • Switch to trail shoes for some extra traction (or if it icy, add some Yaktrax). I loved running in my Montrails.
  • 2 pairs of socks. I had on a thin pair of Swiftwicks, covered with my wool Swiftwicks. I’ve long been a fan of their socks and they’re local to Nashville.
  • Calf sleeves- I always wear CEP.
  • Insulated tights- my preference is CW-X.
  • Sports bra, base layer, long sleeved tight shirt, long sleeved loose shirt
  • Running jacket- I’ve had a Brooks jacket ever since I ran my first Country Music Half Marathon back in… 2011? 2012? Uh, one of those years when it was expected to pour and I wanted something to keep me from the rain. It only started raining after I finished but it has come in handy since the temperatures dropped below 20 here.
  • Balaclava- I’ve had my Under Armour one since my first winter running in Nashville. It was a great gift from my momma that has kept my head, neck, and face warm on many a snowy day!
  • Running beanie
  • A layer of badassery- because running in the snow when the windchill is negative makes one a badass!


Later in 2017, I will be adding 2 states to my travel total and 1 new country, possibly up to 3 new countries, depending on some upcoming plans. I’m really excited about our family cruise to Alaska! Also, there will be one trip home to Florida for my 20th high school reunion. 20th! Insane. I don’t feel older… well, except in my back and knees and when I am around younger people. So, yeah, a bit older. No less awesome though.

I’m also planning to focus more on my creative efforts, such as this blog, crocheting, and playing more guitar (Badly. I play badly but I enjoy it nonetheless).

There you go. Regardless of what’s going on in the world and this country, I’m going to do my best to enjoy the next year. Not creating a new me but definitely honing in on what makes me happy.

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