Race Mania

I’m 3 weeks out from my first race of 2017 and honestly, the first race I’ve trained for since 2013. I PR’d the Music City Half Marathon in 2013 on my second running of that race. It had been my first ever race back in 2009. After 2013, life got in the way and my sister’s death derailed me quite a bit for several years. I feel like I’ve returned to myself in some ways now, though I’ll never be who I was before losing her.

I’m not currently running at the pace I’d like in order to PR my upcoming half in Golden but I’m definitely excited and hoping I’ll gain a little speed between now and then. However, I’m expecting to approach this race a bit different than I ever have.

Since I’m training for a marathon and ultimately an ultra, this half won’t have a taper period. Instead it fits in as one of my training runs. It will change my overall intended mileage for that week, since I won’t be running 9 miles the day before the race, but that’s to rest my legs before trying to pick up the pace on race day.

Also, as I’ve been running longer and more regularly than I have in a very long time, I’ve learned that it takes me a few miles to really get warmed up and comfortable. In the past I would start a race cold, since I generally wasn’t accustomed to long runs. Now, I’m planning to get a mile or so in before the race starts so I will begin warmed up and in my comfort zone.

I’m undecided on whether I’m carrying my hydration on race day though. I know what works for me but my fuel belt hasn’t been fitting quite right since I’ve dropped more than ten pounds and no longer have saddle bags or a muffin top to hold it in place. Now it keeps wanting to ride up on my hips towards my stomach and that just isn’t comfortable for me. I definitely won’t run with my handheld because that tends to throw me off balance and make my hands sweat. The joy of this rather pricey race is that there are loads of of aid stations, so running light may work better this time around. Certainly won’t work during my marathon but I have time to decide if I need a new fuel belt or to find a way to fix the one I have.

I’m getting really excited to see what I can do. Unfortunately, husband won’t be in attendance, so I’ll be on my own, but I am cool with it. I was on my own during my first race too. It wasn’t another year until I had my East Nasties to cheer me on and so far I haven’t found a running group here as close knit. Also, this way, if I miss my PR, I can wallow alone. 😉

Once I get past this, I’ve got to hit some more trails and some serious altitude since my marathon has 4,000 feet of ascent. Yeah, 4,000. Planning to get up to a Boulder for both the altitude and the chance to get in some serious climbing miles. First things first, though: Spring Fever Half Marathon

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