One Hectic Week

Last weekend we went to Florida to visit the family and take care of some wedding details. K had the chance to meet our officiant, who has been a part of my extended family for about 20 years. I really love Don and his wife, Deb, whom I’ve referred to as a second mother since high school. I’m ecstatic Don will be marrying us and love that he and K connected during our visit.

I took some pictures of our wedding site and had a moment of panic when I realized we may end up blinded by the sun’s glare off the gorgeous white sugar sands.

IMG_4937See? Bright!

IMG_4935But right about here is where we will be getting married! Gorgeous, isn’t it? I also had to snap a picture of the water because it was so clear that day.

IMG_4939I can’t wait for this to be the backdrop to our wedding ceremony. As for the sun’s glare, we will either brave it without assistance or I may buy a cute ivory lace parasol for the ocassion. No sunglasses in my wedding pictures though!

We also celebrated Valentine’s Day a little late by getting a condo on the beach one night. It was awesome to wake up to coffee (that K graciously ran out to buy us while I was still asleep since the condo didn’t have any) and sitting on the balcony.

IMG_4924That view is definitely romantic and will be nearly identical to what we see on our mini-moon. Then we had to come back to reality…

We got in late Monday night, which led to takeout for dinner that night. Takeout has snowballed into a full week of eating out because we have no groceries (since we were out of town on the weekend we’d normally go shopping) and we’ve not stopped each night until about 7 or 8pm due to appointments and such after work. Ugh! I think we are both a bit tired of the same old stuff from our neighborhood restaurants!

In an effort to get back on track, this weekend we are spending lots of time in the kitchen. First off, I’m looking forward to making mini muffins in my new muffin pan. We received it as a lovely engagement gift from some friends and I haven’t yet had the time to test it out. So, I will be making something berry filled, perhaps lemon blueberry to wave in springtime, and adding lots of little things like flax seed to increase the healthy aspect of them.

For brunch this weekend and leftovers for breakfast during the week, I’m planning on making a ham, cheese, and spinach quiche and I’ll probably make a small pot of steel cut oats just so we have plenty to get us through. Tonight we have a concert to go to but I’m still hoping to have time to roast a chicken to serve alongside some pasta and broccoli (or something easy like that). Then, for dinners and lunches for the week, K is making us a yummy dish from the current issue of Vegetarian Times (and for the life of me I can’t remember what but I do recall that it sounded awesome) and I’m making Amish Chicken Casserole from Little House Living. Sounds easy and filling and we are in for some more wintery weather soon.

With all that yummy food around the house, I’m hoping we can eat in for the next week or so. We are hoping to start monthly meal planning but life has just been HECTIC lately and so far, doesn’t show signs of slowing. Oh well, at least we are happy and thriving!

While I am in the kitchen making food this weekend, I will also be making new batches of our homemade deodorants, lotions, and probably a hand and foot scrub to make our skin all smooth and soft. It sounds like a lot and as usual, I may not get to all of it because we also have chores to do and we are going wedding band shopping. K’s will arrive this weekend but mine has to be made to sit flush against my beautiful engagement ring.

Life just keeps getting better!

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