Get Over It?

I realize, the closer I get to my move, the more I talk and post about everything New Orleans. So, I just want you all to know: it’s not going to get “better.”

It won’t abate. It’s been growing since I was very young. I started getting obsessed some time around 93-94. Before that I was young and we lived all over and I didn’t really know how special it was to have roots in this city. Once the fever hit, it’s grown in leaps and bounds for decades.

I should’ve moved there in ’97. My car was broken into while I was at freshman orientation at Loyola University. I had a scholarship. It was already a scary time in life, transitioning from child to adult. Then someone smashed in my car window and stole my stereo. Funny enough, they didn’t get the cash in the car. My cousin and I had spent the night on Bourbon Street. It was different back then but still so much the same; that 17 year olds could just walk up to a bar and buy drinks is mind boggling today. However, it was the first time in my life I really recall feeling violated. I rushed home (after a comedic and expensive for our parents turn of events) and told Momma I didn’t want to move to New Orleans.

Fast forward 22 years.

I now have a job and a lease. I’m now grown. I’ll be divorced (that’s a new one).

So, if you expect in any way for my excitement, joy, innate curiosity, passion, or beguilement of this city (along with my exasperation and irritation with the idiocy of the leadership of the state overall) to temper in some way, you are sadly mistaken and can just tune out now.

It won’t all be perfect- dear gods, the bugs!- but even that is part of my love. We cajuns love our place in the world but we also love to grouse about it. Then again, so does everyone in every locale. It’s always too hot, too cold, too rainy, too many tornadoes, fires, earthquakes, or hurricanes…it’s human nature.

But for me, New Orleans is and has been my greatest love and abiding passion. I still have PTSD from Katrina (Rita and Ivan too). I’m still cautious, concerned about the crime, but I’m so excited and I see it growing.

So yeah, if it bugs you, just tune out.

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