First Quarter Recap

So, I set out some reasonable goals for this year at the beginning and as we are deep into April already, I figured I’d add an update.

I’ve been very successfully adulting lately. Not getting fired, taking care of health and dental, taking care of business in general. My financial goals are ambitious this year since I need to finance such a large move while continuing to grow. I’m sorta crushing this whole “I’m gonna be 40 this year,” thing.

However, I’m making lots of time to be me: dancing, singing, staying out all night, sharing time with friends, and still typically getting enough sleep…usually-ish. It’s fun and it’s how I thrive. I need to be around creative, intelligent people and I need to be moving.

I also need to be creating. I thought I was going to focus on a “meal of the week” project and honestly, I started the year off right. I made borscht for the first time, as well as Bourdain’s recipe for goulash. Can’t say that was my fave thing ever but it was pretty decent.

While cooking remains a constant in my world (I’ve also made lots of gumbo and other soups, per usual), it wasn’t where my creativity took me this year.

I started reading A Daily Rumi at the beginning of the year and between that and feeling like I’m on the right path, I was led to writing poetry once again. Copious amounts in fits and starts. I’ve turned it into an art project of sorts with special paper and an album. It’s been fun and I feel more connected to myself through it. So, while it is not a blog related project, it is more intimate and healing.

Running. Hmmmm…running. Okay, here’s where I’m way behind. Can I run a half in my sleep? Yeah, no worries on that…but I’d like to run a race at my “normal” pace again and not feel like death at the end. I’d like to bring my best. So, I need to dig up my motivation from wherever it has crawled off to and put it firmly before me. Tomorrow? I hope so. Weather should be good.

Still planning on all the races I’d anticipated before and looking to add a few more, especially to add some states in. Still planning to complete the Manitou Incline and climb a 14er. That’s going to be a group affair.

That’s about everything these days. Home renovation has halted in anticipation of selling. The dogs are loving the warmer weather and I’ve got the pool opened, so soon my brain will be soaked in chlorine and sun. Also, my hair has grown out fast and I did some fun colors in it.

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