I’ve been negligent on posting for the “Mile in Her Shoes” series but I have not been negligent about taking my sister’s shoes far and
Category: Personal reflections
All In A Year
Today at 11pm cst, it will be a year since my heart broke permanently. Even now, I am crying writing these words because I still
The Calling
I’ve gone through periods where I feel pulled to do certain things, such as this big move, but lately, between poor health emotionally and physically,
This is just a quick post about the last week or so and the fact that, as of today, I can say, “We are moving
Tabula Rasa
Seven years bad luck if you break a mirror, or so the saying goes. Why seven? Well, the Romans believe that it took the body
6 Months
This has been the hardest 6 months of my life… but still among the best. I could not imagine having faced the death of my
Unfinished Projects
As we are continuing our mass de-clutter spree, one good piece of advice I have heeded is to ditch anything that is an unfinished project.
Momma Cloth
Once again we are talking about periods. So, dudes, if you’re squeamish, you can go now… I’ve spoken about my love for the Diva cup.
Infertility: An Overview
Yesterday I was chatting with some friends on Facebook about our hopes for a miracle baby (a baby born without medical intervention) and a friend
Happy 2015!
I’m not big on resolutions but after the hustle and excess of the holidays, January always seems like a great time to get back on