Catch UP

I’ve been writing. So many words. Most for my novels. I heard a professional in a post today saying to focus just on the first book before worrying about sequels, but mine is going to be a sort of monolithic work- it has where it starts and where I want it to go. One larger story to be told. And book 2 just keeps sort of writing itself in fits and starts.

Anyway, so I haven’t been posting here because my brain is all full of character monologues and moments of snark, plus there’s life and health and work and other art to make, other home projects to finish, etc.

I have been writing posts for here though. They just haven’t made it to the publish part. I wrote a very small series which were letters to my exes written in abstract. Not all of them- just a few who maintain space in my brain. I won’t publish those missives. While I think they’re an interesting idea and I had things to say in each of them, I feel that to publish what I wrote could cause more harm than good, even if they were not in any way hateful or negative. It’s just that I know one of those letters was written to my comet love, and that one is struggling with other life things right now. My words can wait. That love needs time to regain some footing. So, yeah, there is where some of the words that should have made it here have ended up- perpetually stuck in my phone notes, in the ever growing tree trunk of phone notes.

I’ve written other things that I likely forgot that are likewise lost in my phone notes. So I may be posting a bunch of stuff at once as I try to clear some things out.

As far as an actual catching up, there’s too much to tell and there’s nothing to tell. Life for me is so cerebral right now. I have a big, open heart, and I’m navigating a bout of loneliness that is hard to describe. Not having a proper community here in New Orleans- one that sees me and loves me as I am- is making life more difficult. I’m trying to get out more. I’m still struggling with a lot of medical stuff, and now my pup has a little cold (he’s fine, he’s been to the vet, just a lot of sneezing and runny noses. Breaks my heart but he’s okay), so staying home makes more sense… but pretty hard to make friends staying at home alone. And I have permanently given up on dating apps as a means to finding loves. They are so depressing.

So, alone. Quiet. Peaceful. This has been the name of the game.

I’m ready for a new game though.

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