Do you see that face? I fell in love with it the moment I laid eyes on it. Now he’s deep in REM sleep not far from my feet. However, I didn’t know if he’d make it to today.
This is Satchmo, my new rescue puppy. I adopted him only a week ago. Unfortunately, he came to me with parvovirus and pneumonia. For those who don’t know, parvo has about a 50% mortality rate. Some rescues won’t even treat parvo puppies; they just euthanize.
Once I learned Satchmo had parvo, euthanasia wasn’t even a consideration. I was going to fight as long as he would. Now, he’s out of danger, though still on the mend, as parvo has a long course- so for the next couple months, I’ll be on alert. I can’t have other dog visitors in that time but the vet assured me, both Josephine and River are safe.
It’s been a hard year- in February, my husband lost his job and it took two months to find one. Then in June, our air conditioner died…to the tune of a $3000 repair. Now it’s August and in the course of 4 days, we’ve incurred about $6000 in vet bills. We were grateful to have the means to even charge those bills to our Care Credit, but it’s all new debt and painful to bear.
So, despite not being greatly comfortable with asking for help, it’s time for me to ask for help. Thus, I’ve set up a Gofundme to help with Satchmo’s vet bills. Regardless of what we receive, and we are truly grateful for every penny, his life is priceless to me. I’m grateful I’ll get to see him grow up to be a big fluffy dog who is unlikely to ever realize he’s too big to be a lap dog. I’m grateful for every lick, every mess, and every puppy yowl. However, if anyone is able to help, I am extremely grateful for the help.
GoFundMe link: