35 for 35

Wow! I’m 35 years old now. So, I’m going to try to reflect on achievements, milestones, and realizations in numbers. Let’s see how that goes! *These are in no particular order of importance, just as they are coming to my mind*

1. I was married this year! There are a lot of things people often want in life: money, fame, stuff… all I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember, is a family. Husband and children. They are also the things that you can’t really “work” for, but have to come in the right time. Thankfully, my great love came right when I didn’t expect him but I was ready for him. Well, children will take work…


2. Infertility sucks and reaching the age where I’m not only fighting several aspects of infertility but am now also considered a “high risk pregnancy” (beyond the other ways I was already high risk) kind of blows… except now instead of doing it alone, I get to face these challenges with the support and love of my amazing husband. Eventually, one way or another, we will have at least one child in our life.

3. Patience is a blessing… it’s also a constant practice. While I want to run headlong into the future Racer K and I are planning, I must take the slow path and live each day fully while laying the groundwork. Sometimes, it’s tiring but I’m so happy with where things are now.

4. Forgiveness is amazing. I still work on forgiving myself for things, like not having enough energy to do all the chores and tasks that seem to always need to get done, but by the time of my wedding reception, I had set aside 2 long time hurts and reconciled to a degree with some people from my past. While the friendships that used to exist may never be what they were, the pain associated with the breaks in trust and confidence were healed and it felt wonderful.

5. I am blessed beyond belief. Within a year, I was blessed with starting a life with my husband, the ability to get out of debt, and I have more than enough for my needs and quite a bit for my wants. There is a bright future in which I am surrounded by people I love and who love me, and that makes me wealthy beyond belief!

6. I’ve had the opportunity to travel so much more! Last birthday I was in Colorado and throughout a year, I went to Florida, Georgia, Las Vegas, Alabama, and within the next few months I get to visit Maine, Canada, and the Bahamas! This year I spent my birthday at Fall Creek Falls and it was incredibly rejuvinating. K and I are looking forward seeing the world in the future!

7. I like finding new things to do on my birthday! Last year, I went to the top of Mt Evans. 14,000+ feet and I’m not a fan of heights. It was breathtaking! This year, I hiked 8.5 miles on mostly primitive trails through undisturbed forests and saw some amazing waterfalls. Did I mention I’m also not a fan of wilderness… well, in the sense that I hate bugs/arachnids that sting or bite, snakes, and poisonous flora? Yep, not a fan! But I pushed through and was rewarded by all the things I like about wilderness: cooler temperatures, quiet, and beautiful views.

Piney Creek Falls
Standing on a very tall, very shaky suspension bridge
Standing on a very tall, very shaky suspension bridge

8. Family is the most important thing. Obviously, my family grew a great deal this year, since I now also have in-laws to consider in my life. Thankfully, I hit the in-law jackpot and absolutely LOVE my mother and father-in-law! K and I have spent a great deal of time visiting both our families this year and more visits are being planned as we speak. Not only that, but we are excited at the prospect of his parents joining us in Colorado once we move.

9. Loss is inevitable so make the best of the time you have. Facing the rapidly advancing cancer that my sister has is a staunch reminder that none of us are promised tomorrow. While we can plan with appropriate legal paperwork and saving money appropriately, the best preparation we can make for the worst and the end of life is to cherish every day we have that we are alive and well.

10. I am always working towards becoming a better me… even when I fall a few steps behind. Over 2 years ago I was in a car accident and since then, my body has not worked as well as it did before then. Therefore, my running schedule has suffered greatly. Now I am working hard to get back on a normal schedule and it is more difficult even than when I first started running over 6 years ago. However, Racer K and I have a marathon and a 50K ahead of us. I considered our hike the other day as part of our training: time on feet is an important aspect of running long distances, as is the mental aspect and several times during our hike, I thought about cutting it shorter or walking back on the road instead of through the brush with the mosquitoes and snakes (I actually had to walk off the trail to get around a large snake in our way. YIKES!). So, yes, I’m starting again… again. My body may not work as well and it may hurt more but I’m willing to put in the time and effort.

11. The South is really beautiful… but I can’t wait to leave it! Driving through the Tennessee countryside over the weekend and walking through it, I was amazed by how gorgeous Tennessee is… I feel the same way when home in Florida… but I miss Denver and can’t wait to move there. I think K may be getting tired of me being the salesman for Denver. 😉 I understand that Nashville is a bastion of more modern and logical ways of thought mired within a relatively backwards state… but Colorado as a state ranks higher in important things like education, economic stability, healthcare, and personal freedoms… pretty much across the board, Colorado scores better than Tennessee. However, refer to #3- this patience thing is difficult!

12. I love to cook and I love having a fully stocked kitchen, both with food and gadgets! A few years ago, I had to borrow a stand mixer everytime I needed one. Now, I have a matching set (K had the exact same one before he moved in). The weekend before my birthday, I spent 2 straight days, each 8 hours or more, in the kitchen. We canned a good bit of tomato sauce and tomato soup, plus made items to freeze. Also, we got a deep freezer with some of our wedding money. YAY! It has made life so much easier, though it sits in our living room.

13. I’ve thought about the tiny house movement, but I’ve come down against it for us personally (though I support it in general). We need more space than what we have right now and especially since we will be having children soonish. Also, we are not against the idea of a multi-generational home if the need arises, which means we will need to plan in advance. Also, I need a BIGGER KITCHEN for #12!

14. Money isn’t everything but financial security is a blessing. It is nice not to be in debt. It relieves so much stress. It is even nicer to have savings and be able to plan for the future without a great deal of stress over the inevitable small financial crises we will face. I didn’t understand all of this when I was young and partially, this could be from lack of preparation at a very young age. However, I’ve learned it now and we are working hard towards a number of financial goals. The first two were a success: our wedding and honeymoon were both paid for without incurring any debt! YAY! Teach your children young to set aside a percentage of every bit of money they receive for savings and you will end up with adults capable of supporting themselves in a healthier manner. Also, so many marriages are adversely affected by finances. We’ve made ours transparent and we are equally involved in decisions in hopes to head off this particular obstacle early.

15. Self-discipline is not my strong suit. Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely productive and capable of accomplishing a great deal. In fact, I can get a lot of stuff done… it’s just that I’m not great with keeping it as a routine. I tend towards some sort of organized chaos that occasionally gets completely cleaned up with the intention towards diligence in the future… suddenly, 6 months later, I’m looking at piles of mail that need to be shredded or filed and a task list a mile long. Like right now, I have the aforementioned pile of mail, clothes to sew/ mend, an unfinished craft project, and an office/ library/ storage room that is beyond redemption. Last night I spent 4 hours cleaning up our bedroom. Also, my meditation routine is non-existent… and the aforementioned difficulty of re-establishing my running routine. However, towards that “better me” in #10, I’m working on it all. Maybe tonight I’ll get some more stuff done.

  • Other unfinished projects could be: NaPoWriMo, a number of 10 day fasts that became 5 or 7 days, and my intention to post here at least a couple times a week. Hey, I’m even having a hard time coming up with 35 things to write about my life and considering shortening this post! Pressing on…

16. My brain is not being properly utilized. I’ll just be blunt about it: I’m pretty ridiculously smart. My job does not in any way challenge me mentally… so I often end up bored. Boredom leads to… well, a number of things. I don’t know what to do about this because my job also takes up far too much of my time and saps my energy. Perhaps this is why I should be meditating more…

17. I’m blessed with a number of very good friends! I’m so thankful for their support in the dark times and I’m so glad I get to share my happiness with them now. Some I’ve been friends with for over 20 years and some, not even a year, but they are all awesome and supportive and I’m so grateful to have them in my life!

18. For my wedding I had the opportunity to see my baby brother and sister for the first time in almost 7 years! It was pretty awesome that all 4 of us siblings were together again!

Photo by Sarah Lyn Photography

19. I cut my hair the shortest it’s ever been in my life after the wedding! A lot of people were shocked with my new pixie cut but I’m loving it plus, it’ll grow back. No big deal at all.


20. I ran my fastest half marathon (though 3 minutes short of my goal of 2 hours)!

music city
That’s the Music City Half Marathon, not Country Music. They are two different things, folks.

21. I also ran my slowest 5K due to lack of training but it was the Gay 5K in support of the LGBTQ community in Nashville and my first race as Mrs. G! I know I looked a bit pained but it was a tough run.

gay 5k422. I ate sea urchin for the first time and introduced Racer K to the glory that is bone marrow! We also ate a number of other fun and new things this year but I can’t remember them all. I will say, I think my favorite meal of the year would have to be either Raku or Lotus of Siam in Vegas. Really, we ate so much incredible food this year, including dinner at Bouchon in Vegas.

Poached egg with sea urchin and salmon roe
Poached egg with sea urchin and salmon roe

23. I had the joy of supporting my Love during his second Ironman in Wisconsin. It was an exhausting experience but so worthwhile!

ironman24. I had the opportunity to see Thom Yorke at War Memorial Auditorium with Atoms for Peace. What a moving experience! (We also saw Indigo Girls with the Nashville Symphony and will see Tori Amos in a few weeks at the Ryman!)

Thom Yorke
Thom Yorke

25. Went to an awesome Whiskey Festival where I got to taste some really spectacular (and some not so great and some downright terrible) whiskies. K and I had a grand time and pretty much ended up parking ourselves at the Macallan table to drink 18 year old single malt after meandering and enjoying a cigar.

26. Along the mental line of #25,  for my birthday, I bought a bottle of the Macallan 18 year. It’s the first time I’ve spent that much money on a single bottle of liquor but it was well deserved and well worth it! Now to make it last!

27. I had the great joy of seeing my old friend, Eric T. at my wedding reception! It was the first time in over ten years. The same for my friend, Kai K. at my wedding. There were other old friends who were supposed to show up but did not but my joy overflowed to get to see these two men, who are like brothers to me!

28. I didn’t do a whole lot of reading, but I did finish the Game of Thrones books (ugh, write faster, George RR Martin!) and just finished The Fault in Our Stars (*sob*). I want to read more but partially, like music, I’m having a hard time finding new stuff that interests me and I enjoy.

29. K and I went to Rock City and Ruby Falls in Chattanooga. Another interesting adventure for those afraid of heights but it was lots of fun, if a little chilly! We also explored the aquarium there another day.

30. I finally own something from Tiffany’s. Yes, it seems a small status symbol but I was delighted to buy my earrings for my wedding from this iconic store.

31. Oh, I had said I ran my fastest half marathon in #20… well, I also ran my slowest half marathon. Completely untrained, Racer K and I went to Lynchburg to run the Oak Barrel Half. It was hilly and challenging, my sciatic nerve acted up in the last few miles, and I had a small asthma attack in mile 12, but I finished it as the first race K and I ever ran together. It was so great!

32. I continued to drive some people crazy by speaking openly about my beliefs and my opinions, particularly when it involves women’s bodies and bodily autonomy. My feeling is that unless people are exposed to the truth and logical thought, they are unlikely ever to leave behind illogical falacies… or they simply will never think for themselves and will instead let the media think for them. I don’t believe this is true of everyone who disagrees with me, as I know I have been wrong in the past and learned better as time went on and there is probably still room for improvement.

33. I made homemade ice cream for the first time! We got an ice cream maker for our wedding so I made us strawberry ice cream with our organic strawberries from our CSA.

34. We signed up for a meat CSA for the first time. While we certainly aren’t eating it quickly (we get 20-22 lbs per month and I don’t know if we’ve eaten even the first 20 lbs), it is nice to have it around for whatever we want to make. Speaking of which, I think it’s time to roast a chicken! This is also what prompted our deep freezer purchase.

35. The last one! Woo-hoo! It’s kind of how I felt about so much before the wedding… I was so happy and content when I realized early in our relationship that K would be my last one… my last love. However, with the last of things, also comes all the firsts… he is my first (and only) husband, the first and only man who will father my children, the first who makes me feel safe, appreciated, loved, and hopeful. He is my greatest love and my best friend. It may be cliche, but he definitely makes me see why things never worked before with anyone. He is the most thoughtful, considerate, concerned, loving, honest, compassionate person I know and I am so lucky that he has loads of patience.

So, that’s it! 35 is going to be awesome! I’m looking forward to everything ahead for me and my family!



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