This is a repost from September 13, 2010, from my old blog that I used before purchasing my domain. I stumbled upon it today and it isn’t terrible. However, let me say what a bitch it’s become on WordPress to format poetry properly.
Nighttime Visits of the Hive
Nighttime visits of the hive
when all proper bees sleep
This buzzing of virtual voice
compels the flowing of honey
out of season.
Busy mellifera, singing Melissa, attendant to
purpose in the
wildness of order.
Fill the mind with the hum of the multitude
and single flight of one laborer
perceived insignificant.
In the stream of daily routine
exists the anomaly in darkened hpurs
for hidden flowers
Among the stillness of moonless woods
and swishing vines.
Dive home, errant traveler,
Dive home to warmth, to honey,
and the embrace of a million lives.
Christina K, 9/13/10,