The prompt for day 2 was to write a poem inspired by something other than Greco-Roman mythology, ie Norse, Japanese, Egyptian, etc. My sister would have likely been better at this than I since she adores and has long studied mythology of all forms. I always thought if she were to go back to school, she would get a degree in mythology and done well. Anyway, I had to do a little research (*ahem, Wikipedia*) just to see where to even start. This is my meager offering. Can’t say it’s a favorite as it felt a little forced for me… nonetheless…
A Mother at Urd’s Well
What little berries are we
To have fallen from the tree
Woven into existence by three
To see we are tapestries of thread
Begun with a mother’s dread
Life shaping from the time she wed
From sacred porridge she sups
Hoping three will overfill their cup
Weaving long futures into luck