Falling out of routine… and how to get back

Life throws a lot at us and when it does, it is easy to fall out of the routine of all the good things we should be doing for ourselves. I keep thinking of all the things I’ve let fall by the wayside, but I have yet to get back to it all. So, here are a few things I’m planning to re-work back into my daily schedule:

  1. Meditation: this one is always the first that seems to go. It is hard to find the time to sit in silence and “do nothing.” Albeit, I am doing something very important when I meditate. I am training my mind and healing my body in the process. I am gaining mental strength and an ability to adapt to all the craziness and chaos of life. Yet, it is first to go when things get hectic. I must must must find at least 15 minutes (or even 5 minutes) every day to meditate. [Side note: my cats destroyed my meditation cushions so now I do not even have the visual reminder each day to plant my behind… that must be rectified!!]
  2. Honey: I should be eating 1 tablespoon of raw, local honey each night as my last thing before bed. It helps stabilize blood sugar and is a wonderful cure for my allergies. Honey is nature’s miracle food, it is the gift of the bees and I have been neglecting it. I can’t say I enjoy it each night. It is very sweet and I usually eat it plain but it is certainly time to get over it and return to this nightly habit. Especially as bad as my respiratory infections have been of late.
  3. Neti pot: Speaking of respiratory problems, I should be using my neti pot with grapefruit seed extract at least 3 times per week! This is another ancient curative and, because it can be a bit tedious and boring, I don’t typically do it on a routine. Then I get a sinus infection, then I am scrambling, and then I have to take antibiotics and feel like poo for a month. So, back to preventative rather than reactive use! For those who think you need to use distilled water, there have been only about 3 instances of health problems in this country from use of a neti pot without distilled water and those were in rural areas that did not have proper water treatment. Those societies that have been using nasal flushing for millennium have no access to distilled water, so please stop with those comments.
  4. Running: I got back into shape last year to run my fastest half marathon ever and promptly was injured and sat on the couch to let my ankle and hip heal. Ugh! Then K and I started running again… and I got sick! Seriously bad sinus infection (as my previous post discusses) so it was back to the couch and bed to heal. Plus, it is winter. In Nashville that means it is gray and dreary and with all this lovely polar vortex stuff, it is freezing. I hate running in the dark and in the winter, it is easier to go to work later in the day, hence I get home after the sun is gone. Time to figure out HOW to work running back into our schedule so we can get in peak shape for our wedding and beach mini-moon.
  5. Miscellaneous: There are a number of other smaller things. My morning routine used to contain lemon water with some supplements. I used to cook at home far more often but we’ve been eating out lots for the ease and time.

So, there’s my list of what I want to change in our daily lives. It helps me be a better me and a stronger me and I want to be the best me possible to give to K each and every day. I won’t leave this with deficiencies and simply state, “I must change.” Yes, that list is for accountability but I have done some things right.

  1. Reading: I’ve been reading more. Turning off the tv and sitting next to K as we read. The fun thing is, we are reading the same series, The Game of Thrones, so we are enjoying learning the same story. I’m so happy to be getting that sort of quiet and delving back into books. I’ve already read more in the last month than I did all of last year. So, yay me!
  2. Making us financially sound: I had the great joy to get free of all credit card debt before this year began and we are paying for our wedding without incurring any new debts. Yay us! We are saving and working towards our big future, including saving for a house after we move. It may be slow going but we are making progress.
  3. Yoga: Okay, I’ve only done it once recently but that’s a start. On nights I can’t run, fitting in some sun salutations and other yoga is extremely helpful.
  4. Keeping a positive attitude: I’ve had a number of reasons to get bent out of shape lately but after seething for a few minutes, I have stopped the anger, breathed through it and realized my life is pretty awesome. I have lots to be thankful for, especially K and our pending nuptials, so I’ve turned my thinking around to focus on that and let the problems and anger fall away.
  5. Writing: I’ve been doing better with posting on the blog and K gave me an awesome journal for Christmas that I will begin writing in.

So, there we go. How to get back to all the routines? Well, this is a step. A call for accountability by acknowledging where I am deficient. Also, not to be negative and acknowledge what I am doing well. Now, it is just a matter of doing the things I know I need to do.

How do you pick up misplaced habits? How do you work to get yourself back on track? Lists? Reminders on your phone? I’d love to hear your helpful hints!

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